
With Strive’s ActionKit integration, you can synchronize your base building and trigger interactive messages when users take an action on a page.
Jump to:
Getting Started:
    ↳ Step 1: Connect Accounts
    ↳ Step 2: Configure Field Sync Behavior
    ↳ Step 3: Activate Integration
Users and Members
Sync Pages and Actions
    ↳ Autogenerated groups
    ↳ Create custom ActionField groups
    ↳ Sync UserGroups

Getting Started

With Strive’s ActionKit integration, you can synchronize your base building and trigger interactive messages when users complete an action on a page. Follow these 3 steps to get started:

Step 1: Connect Accounts

Complete the following in your ActionKit account:

  1. Create a staff account. Use this account exclusively for your integration with Strive. These credentials will grant Strive access to your account in via the ActionKit API.

    Directions for setting up a staff account in ActionKit can be found here

  2. If you track SMS opt-in status for ActionKit users, ensure the userfield’s values are formatted using True/False, Yes/No, T/F, or Y/N. All other values will be treated as false.

    If you have not been tracking SMS opt-in status for ActionKit users, create a userfield and set the values for each user to TBD, so Strive can update this field with the available subscription status of the associated member.

Complete the following in your Strive account:

  1. Go to Integrations and click the ActionKit box
  2. Enter your hostname. This will be your ActionKit root domain, which will include your branded domain. Example:
  3. Enter the ActionKit staff account credentials you created for the Strive Integration
  4. Click Submit

Step 2: Configure field sync behavior

Map Strive fields to ActionKit fields and set custom sync behavior from the Fields tab. Before you activate your integration, you must map core fields and any custom fields you’d like to sync.

You can update sync behavior and map new custom fields anytime from the Fields tab.

Core fields

Strive core fields will automatically appear in the fields table. Strive core fields include:

  • First Name (default sync setting is populate)
  • Last Name (default sync setting is populate)
  • Email (can only use populate or oneWay sync options)
  • City (default sync setting is populate)
  • State (default sync setting is populate)
  • Zipcode (default sync setting is populate)
Special core fields

Subscribed: This is a core field in Strive mapped to a userfield in ActionKit. A value needs to be saved in this field in order for a user to be synced to Strive.

Values (case-insensitive) that equate to TRUE include:

  • t or true
  • 1
  • opt in or opt-in
  • y or yes

Note: All other values willl be considered FALSE.

The ActionKit userfield that denotes subscription status is mapped in the Settings pane during activation (see step 3). Note: When pushing data from Strive to ActionKit, Strive will format values as either true or false.

Email: This is a unique key in ActionKit. Strive uses this value to create a User if no User yet exists with that email address. Strive cannot change this value in ActionKit.

Phone Number: From ActionKit, this value is populated in order of preference from your chosen phone types in Settings. It cannot be updated by Actionkit or Strive. If no value is set in preferred phones, the default values will be used: mobile, work, home.

Strive deduplicates member records using phone number. If you have users with different emails but the same phone number, Strive will only sync with one of the users.

Zip: A member/user's zip is validated in ActionKit and Strive. ActionKit will set the City/State based on the zip. Strive will update State based on the zip.

Sync Core Fields
  1. Core fields are automatically mapped to core ActionKit fields upon connecting the accounts, using default sync settings. To ensure your user/member data is synced to your preferences, edit the default sync option
  2. From the Fields tab click the ellipses (...) next to the core field and click Details
  3. Select the sync behavior in the Sync Options dropdown
Custom fields

Sync Member custom fields to userfields and set custom sync behavior per field.

Sync Custom Fields
  1. From the Fields tab click +Add Field
  2. Select the custom field in Strive you’d like to sync to a userfield
  3. Select the userfield you’d like to sync
  4. Select the sync behavior in the Sync Options dropdown
Note: Actionkit userfields are formatted as text strings. To ensure proper sync, custom field syncing is limited to Strive text fields. 
Sync options:

Select custom sync behavior for each field in your list:

  • One-way, overwrite ActionKit Strive will overwrite ActionKit. ActionKit will not make changes to Strive.
  • One-way, overwrite Strive ActionKit will overwrite Strive. Strive will not make changes to ActionKit.
  • Populate, no overwrite Strive and ActionKit will populate empty fields. Neither will overwrite.
  • Populate, overwrite ActionKit ActionKit will populate empty fields in Strive. Strive will overwrite ActionKit.
  • Populate, overwrite Strive Strive will populate empty fields in ActionKit. ActionKit will overwrite Strive.
  • Two-way, overwrite both Sync data between Strive and ActionKit. Overwrite existing data when a field is updated in Strive or ActionKit.

Step 3: Activation

On initial setup, the ActionKit integration must be activated in order to begin syncing users.

Activate Integration
  1. Click the Settings button
  2. From the Integration Setup section, enter the userfield you are using for Opt-in Field Sync 
  3. From the Phone Number Sync dropdown, select the phone number field(s) that hold mobile phone numbers in ActionKit. Selections should be ordered by preference. Strive will import the first phone number available in your preferred fields.
  4. Toggle Sync Accounts to ON. Note: This setting must be enabled to use the ActionKit integration
  5. Strive will begin syncing your users/members. Note: ActionKit limits the Strive API to sync 1000 records per minute. Depending on the volume of users in your ActionKit account, the initial sync across your list may take time to process.
Tip: To monitor sync progress, click the Settings button. Strive will display the number of synced user records / the total number of user records.

To deactivate toggle Sync Accounts to OFF. When deactived, the ActionKit integration credentials will be removed from Strive. Syncing will stop and integration data will remain in the same state as it was prior to the deactivation.

Users and Members

What makes a user eligible for sync?

To sync an ActionKit user with a Strive Member, their record must have a phone number and opt-in value. Using the user’s phone number, Strive will attempt to find a member in your list with a matching phone number.

  • If a match is found, Strive will sync the user’s record with the matching member. 
  • If no match is found in your list, Strive will create a new member, and sync them with the user record.

Strive will only sync one user record per member record. If you have multiple users with the same phone number, only one of the records will sync. Strive deduplicates member records using phone number, and requires a unique phone number for each member.

On an initial sync between a User and an existing member, if there is a conflict in the smsOptIn field, we defer to the member’s opt-in value and sync that back to the ActionKit userfield.

If the value for the smsOptIn field cannot be identified as a variation of a true or false value, Strive will  prevent it from overwriting existing member’s subscription status.

After initial sync, we will fetch all eligible Users that have been updated every 10 minutes.

Can the integration create users in ActionKit using my Member data?

Yes! If a member in Strive does not exist as a user in ActionKit, Strive can automatically create a user.

The Create Users in ActionKit setting must be ON. ActionKit requires a unique email address in order for Strive to create a new user.

To create a new user, add the associated member record to the primary ActionKit group.

How can I see which members are synced with ActionKit?

There are a few different ways to segment these members. You can filter by source or by the primary ActionKit group in the Members list.

From the Users tab, you can see all users Strive has scanned for sync, and the sync status of each user. Search and sort this table to find specific users.

Actionfields set by Strive

For each update that Strive sends to ActionKit, the following actionfields are set on the Action via the Integration Import Page.

  • strive_member This is the member id that was the source of the action. If the member is not yet synced to a User, the member will not be synced until the next fetch from ActionKit. 
  • former_data This is the change object from the last value Strive had for the User record. This only exists on uploads to known, existing Users.

Pages and Actions:

Sync pages and actions into your Strive account to trigger automations and track activity.


Upon activation, Strive will pull any available pages in your ActionKit account. Please allow a few minutes for all of your pages to populate the table.

Strive will fetch Pages that have been updated every 10 minutes

Sync a Page
  1. From your ActionKit account, enter your integration webhook in the page’s configuration settings. The integration webhook can be found in your Strive account via the Settings pane.
  2. From the Pages tab click the ellipses (...) next to the page you’d like to sync
  3. Click Sync
  4. Actions on the page will be available to view via the Actions tab in the Integration

Note: A group sharing the same name as the page will be automatically created. When an existing user takes the action, their corresponding member record will be added to the group. When a new user takes an action, their member record will be created and they will be added to the group (excluding users without a phone number and/or opt-in status). 

Tip: Once you sync a page, it can be used to trigger an Automation!


All actions taken by users/members on synced Pages will appear in the Action table. Strive will fetch updated Actions every 10 minutes.

Tip: Actions on synced pages can be used to build ActionField Groups in Strive!


Use integration groups to filter, track, and segment user/members in your list.

Autogenerated Groups

To quickly sort through your ActionKit data, Strive automatically creates/maintaines groups dynamically.

  • Primary ActionKit group: Strive will automatically create a group called “ActionKit Integration” upon activating your integration. It contains all members synced to a user. Adding new members to this group will automatically create a user in your ActionKit account (except if your integration has not granted Strive permission via the Settings pane).

    You cannot delete this group if the integration is active.
  • ActionKit Page group: Strive will automatically create this group upon syncing a page. It will share the same name as your synced page. It contains all member synced to a user who have taken an action on the page (excluding users without a phone number and/or opt-in status).

    You cannot delete this group if the Page is synced. 

Create ActionField groups

Create custom Actionfield groups using actionfields from synced pages. Optionally, limit who is a part of your groups by entering custom acitonfield values.

If the Actionfield Group does not specify a Page, it will include users/members who have taken the Action on all synced Pages.

Create an Actionfield group
  1. Go to the ActionField Groups tab
  2. Click +Add Group
  3. Name the new group
  4. Optionally, select the page if you’d like the group to only reference the action taken on a specific page.
  5. Select the ActionField name from the dropdown
  6. Optionally, enter a value if you’d like the group to only include users/members who’s Actionfield contains a specific value.

Delete an Actionfield group

Delete Actionfield groups from the Actionfield Group tab by clicking the ellipses (...) and selecting Delete. Actionfield groups cannot be deleted from the Groups tab.

Sync Usergroups

All available usergroups will appear in the Usergroups table as available to sync. Strive will fetch Usergroups that have been updated every 10 minutes.

Syncing a Usergroup will automatically create a group in Strive sharing the same name as your Usergroup. The group will contain all members synced to a user who are a part of the Usergroup.

Sync a UserGroup
  1. Go to the UserGroups tab
  2. Next to the Usergroup you’d like to sync click the ellipses (...)
  3. Click Sync

You cannot delete this group if the Usergroup is synced.

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